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Outstanding Provider High School


Relationships, Health and Wellbeing Advice

Information regarding charities and organisations that provide young people with advice and support on issues relating to relationships and sexual health and wellbeing can be found in appendix 2 of the Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) policy.

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Relationships and Sex Education is delivered through the PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Education) programme and Science lessons. Under Section 405 of the Education Act 1996, parent/carers may request a withdrawal from sex education lessons outside the Science curriculum. However, parents/carers are unable to withdraw their child from relationships education. Please find further details in the RSE Policy which can be found on the school website.

Rewards and Consequences

Bishop Heber High School operates both a Positive Merit and Negative Demerit system.   Students can be rewarded with a merit for a wide variety of reasons such as: good behaviour; helpful during a lesson; good homework; being polite and courteous etc., and on the consequence side, they will be given a demerit for being late to lessons, failure to complete homework, disrupting the learning of others etc.   All merits and demerits are entered onto Arbor (Parent Portal) and students are rewarded based on the number of merits they receive.  Accumulative details of both merits and demerits are shared with the students/families through the Parent Portal, Arbor.

Right to withdraw students from specific lessons

Parents have the statutory right to withdraw their children from Collective Worship, Religious Education or Sex Education except that which is required as part of National Curriculum Science. Students withdrawn from these lessons will be set alternative work.


All students at Bishop Heber High School are expected to follow the Schools’ Ground Rules as determined by the Student School Council. These are displayed in every teaching space. Through representation on the Sixth Form Committee, Year and School Council, students are invited to contribute to determining the behaviour expected within the school.

We will show RESPECT for ourselves and others:

R – Ready: Arrive for school and lessons prepared to learn – on time, in the correct uniform and with the right equipment
E – Environment: Keep the school environment safe, clean and pleasant
S – Sensible: Be sensible and think before we act
P – Polite: Keep unkind words to ourselves and behave considerately
E – Equality: Accept and celebrate differences
C – Cooperation: Follow instructions first time
T – Treat others with respect: As we would want them to treat each of us

There are three core expectations that our School believes are central to good behaviour:
Respect for others

  • Treat all other people with the same respect you would like to be treated
  • Listen to and respect the views of others
  • Have an acceptance of others’ learning
  • Encourage and help those around you
  • Respect School property and the property of others
  • Language should not be racist, sexist, homophobic or transphobic; no student should have to accept or tolerate such language in our School community

Respect for yourself

  • Use your time to good effect and try your best at everything you attempt
  • Accept praise and respond positively to constructive criticism
  • Dress neatly, wear the correct School uniform appropriately and take pride in your appearance

Respect for the school

  • Represent the School in a way that demonstrates the values of Bishop Heber High School
  • Respect others’ learning environment
  • Arrive at School, lessons and other activities on time and with the correct equipment and uniform
  • Participate positively and enthusiastically in all lessons and activities
  • Develop a responsible approach to classwork and homework