Call: 01948 860571
Outstanding Provider High School


Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance (CIAG)

Careers Education and Guidance is included in the PSHCE programme and provided through the enrichment programme in both Years 10, 11 and Sixth Form. In addition, some Year 10 and all Year 12 students are given the opportunity to take part in one week of Work Experience. In Year 11, students are given the opportunity to attend interviews with a member of the Senior Leadership Team as part of their ‘Futures’ Meetings and mock interviews are arranged with local and national employers from the business community.
Every two years a Careers Convention is organised in the School with representatives from industry, commerce and education, to which all students and their parents from Year 9 upwards are invited. Some Vocational Courses in KS4 offer a work-based experience as part of the course. For up to date careers information and job vacancies, please use the following link;
Bishop Heber High School, Malpas & Jobs | Learn Live | Contact Us Today (
If you have any questions the Career Lead for BHHS is Miss C Johnson,, 01948 860571 Ext 901. Further careers information can be located on the school website at

Car Parking and Reduced Speed Limit

At the start of the school day, those families that bring their children to School in cars are asked to drop them off outside the School gates or use the safe drop-off zone (yellow pedestrian path) within the car park. At the end of the school day due to bus and coach movement at the front of the School site there is no facility for picking up students within the school grounds. We do ask parents to park sensibly outside the School and not to obstruct local residents’ access to their property.

You MUST NOT stop or park on…

  • a road marked with double white lines, except to pick up or set down passengers

DO NOT stop or park…

  • near a school entrance
  • opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space
  • near the brow of a hill

The only exception to this rule is for events outside the normal school day such as Parents’ Evenings, Open Evening etc. When we hold a School Disco for the lower school students we do insist that parents collect their children from inside the school gates at the end of the event. The Local Authority and police regularly patrol this area with regard to parking and we would like to draw your attention to the reduced speed limit of 30 m.p.h. from the School and through into Malpas village.


The School Council determines which ‘Heber’ charities the School will support for the calendar year, these are as follows for 2023:

  • Local: Claire House Children’s Hospice
  • National: Young Minds
  • International: WWF

Child Protection

Bishop Heber High School fully recognises their responsibility for Child Protection and details of our ‘Child Protection Policy’ is available online at as a read-only copy in the School Library or as a printed copy which is available from the Clerk to the Governors, Miss J Ashley, . Staff have relevant training and updates throughout the year.


There are a number of lunchtime and after-school clubs. Information is displayed in Tutor Rooms, on our Student Briefing Sheet (SBS) as on our website The majority of our after-school clubs finish around 5 p.m. See also, Air Training Corps (ATC) and Combined Cadet Force (CCF).

Combined Cadet Force (CCF) : Royal Navy

Over 400 schools in the UK have a Combined Cadet Force contingent. The organisation looks to provide young people with life-changing opportunities that few other extra-curricular activities can come close to competing with. The Royal Navy CCF offers its cadets a broad range of challenging, exciting, adventurous and educational activities. Our aim is to enable the development of personal responsibility, leadership and self-discipline. Contact the school directly via for detailed information about its induction process.

Community Fitness Suite (Sports Hall)

Monday to Friday
5pm – 9pm

9am – 12 noon

Closed Bank Holidays and published school events

For further information please telephone 01948 862010 or email

Communication with Partnership

The Heber site has grown over the years to the point where it is the focus of a wide variety of services and activities for people living in the Malpas area. When the School first opened in 1960, that’s all it was, a new School! Now there is a Community Library, a Sports Hall, Scout and Guide Headquarters, 617 Heber ATC Squadron, Community Fitness Suite, Astroturf, Music for Life peripatetic music lesson facilities, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme…the list goes on.

Communication with Parents/Carers

In normal circumstances, only one copy of your child’s Report/s, relevant letters and information is issued. If you do not live in the same house as your child and you wish to receive your own copy of any relevant documentation, you should make a formal request in writing to the School, marked for the attention of the Headteacher. You will be notified in writing if a second copy of the documentation is to be sent/emailed out. Please note that this arrangement is based on the legal responsibility of parents for education and has no connection to access and contact arrangements.


Should you, as a parent, feel unhappy in the way a situation has been dealt with by the School or individual, there are processes in place for making a formal complaint. In the first instance we will try to resolve any issues informally, but should this prove un-successful, a copy of the Complaint Policy is available online at; as a read-only copy in the School Library or as a printed copy which is available from the Clerk to the Governors, Miss J Ashley,

Contacting Staff

If you would like to speak to a particular member of staff, messages may be left with staff in the Main School Office or on Reception on 01948 860571. Please note that due to teaching commitments, staff are not usually able to respond immediately, although they will normally make contact within 48 hours. If the message is of an urgent nature requiring immediate action, the message will be personally delivered to the member of staff concerned.


All students follow the full national curriculum in Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9). In Key Stage 4 (Years10-11) students complete a broad and balance student guided curriculum. In the sixth form students complete 3 A level/Level 3 qualification.
The curriculum section of the school website has full details of the curriculum provision, including the options process and details of the skills, knowledge and understand developed in each subject throughout each term.