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Outstanding Provider High School

Safeguarding, Mental Health & Well-being and Online Safety

Safeguarding, Mental Health & Well-being and Online Safety


The staff at Bishop Heber High School is committed to helping keep our students safe. We ensure that students learn in a safe, caring and enriching environment. Students are taught how to keep themselves safe, to develop positive and healthy relationships, and how to avoid situations where they may be at risk.

We recognise and accept our statutory and moral responsibility to safeguard our students. Staff receive regular safeguarding training. Where students are identified as at risk of harm concerns are shared with other agencies including the police, health and children’s services.

Staying Safe @ Heber form to report concerns

We have a clear and secure system for reporting and recording concerns. Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are:

Designated Safeguarding Lead:                         Ms U Mort

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead:           Mrs S Vaughan  svaughan@

If you have any concerns about a student in our school do not hesitate to contact us.

For information and advice on local services please visit Live Well Cheshire, and the Mental Health & Wellbeing and Online Safety information below.

Important documents:

Click here for a link to Healthbox Year 6 Transition Page


Bishop Heber High School is totally committed to raising student awareness about the issue of bullying through regular Assemblies, Theme for the Fortnight and PSHCE.

We are proud signatories and supporters of the Cheshire Anti-Bullying Charter. Bullying in any form will not be tolerated at Bishop Heber High School.

Any parent or student who is concerned about bullying should speak with the student’s Form Tutor in the first instance.


It can be difficult for parents and carers to differentiate between what is ordinary teenage behaviour and the risk of or involvement in exploitation. The poster below provides some guidance on how to spot the signs that a young person it at risk of or is subjected to child exploitation.

Staying Safe Bulletins