Harassment and Abuse Information, Guidance and Advice
Sexual harm and harassment will not be tolerated at Bishop Heber High School. If a student has experienced or is experiencing these forms of abuse, it is important that this is reported to a member of staff.
Advice for victims of a sexual harm or sexual harassment and information about how to report concerns can be found in Appendix 3 of the Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) Policy.
These are not part of school uniform and are not allowed in school at any time.
At Bishop Heber we believe that the practice of setting homework is a very important part of the school curriculum. Learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom. To support students, homework will be planned, differentiated, meaningful, clear and set regularly. Government guidelines are that students in Year 7 should receive 45-90 minutes of Homework per day. In Years 8 and 9 it should be 1-2 hours per day and in KS4, between 1½ and 2½ hours per day. In the Sixth Form the amount of work completed by students outside lessons will, of course, depend on their individual timetables but will be at least two hours a day. Students in Key Stage 3 have a responsibility to write homework in their Student Planners and Tutors will be able to support and monitor the setting and completion of homework in Afternoon Registration. Homework for Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 will be set on Microsoft Teams and it the students’ responsibility to ensure the deadlines are being met. Homework must be set according to the Homework Timetables, and these will be published within the first two weeks of the start of the new Academic Year and available on the school website. We firmly believe that homework helps students to develop good organisational skills, giving them practice in study and research techniques and encouraging their development as independent learners. Students should be reminded that computers are available for use during break and lunchtime if homework requires computer/Internet access but there are technical issues at home. Further information is available in our Learning and Teaching Policy on www.bishopheber.cheshire.sch.uk/Parents/Policies
Honours Boards
Situated around the School are a number of Honours Boards celebrating achievements of our students, past and present. For example, Head Prefects, Oxford and Cambridge graduates, school sporting achievements etc. However, we are aware that many students are involved in a wide range of activities outside the schools remit such as Horse-Riding, Gymnastics, Tae Kwando, community involvement etc., and we feel it is important to recognise these achievements. Students tend to be modest in informing the School that they have succeeded in a particular area, so we address this plea to parents … please let us know what your child is doing so we can share in the celebration. Any press releases, photographs etc. can be sent direct to the Headteacher, and even if it doesn’t make it onto an Honours Board, we would like to share their success with others through the School Newsletter which is sent out via e-mail and/or Twitter (@BishopHeberHS) each Half-term.