Financial Support (see also Free School Meals)
If you are in receipt of Income Support or certain other allowances, there may be an entitlement to Free School Meals, travel etc. For further information please contact the School’s Resources Manager on 01948 860571, or email
First Aid and Administration of Medicines
If your child becomes ill or is injured during the school day, one of the School’s qualified First Aiders will assess their condition. Sometimes, a short period of rest may be all that is required and then your child can return to normal lessons. However, on occasions, their condition may mean that we have to contact you, or one of your named contacts, and arrange for your child to be collected from School. Therefore, it is important that the School holds accurate contact telephone numbers on the computer system for your home, work and mobile and the same contact information appears in your child’s School Diary (Planner). If the School is at all concerned about the nature of your child’s injury, an ambulance will be called and appropriate arrangements will be made to ensure that they are accompanied by an adult to the hospital or until direct contact has been made with the parents.
Should your child be required to take medication during the School day, this may be left at Student Services with a parental letter and explicit instructions on the administration of the medicine. In normal circumstances the School does not dispense paracetamol as a matter of course, unless parents instruct us to the contrary. However, if by the taking of paracetamol results in the child remaining in School until the end of the School day, parents will be contacted to seek permission. All medical issues are managed by the Main School Office and qualified First Aiders. Students should make their Form Tutor aware if they are carrying Epi-Pens or if they would like them to be retained in the fridge in the Main School Office.
Form Tutor, Registration and PSHCE
The Form Tutor has a vital pastoral and communication role between the student, the School and the home. Parents are given the opportunity to meet on a 1-2-1 basis with the Form Tutor on STEPs Day/Evening at the start of each Academic Year. At any other time, the Form Tutor can be contacted by phone (see Contacting Staff)
Free School Meals (FSM)
If your child goes to school within the Cheshire West and Chester area, you may be able to claim free school meals. All key stage one pupils will automatically receive them. You need to apply with us if you are receiving one of the benefits listed below as your school can claim additional funding which can help towards equipment and resources.
You will qualify if you are receiving one of the following benefits;
• Income Support
• Income Based Jobseekers Allowance
• Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
• Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
• Child Tax Credit but not Working Tax Credit and have an annual income that does not exceed £16,190
• The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
• Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
• Universal Credit – if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)
Do you receive Working Tax credit?
If you or a partner receive Working Tax Credit regardless of income you will not qualify for free school meals.
Apply online at
For further information contact the School Meals Helpline on 0300 123 7039 or, alternatively, for further information, go to the Cheshire Website via:
Freedom of Information (FOI) Act
A copy of the School’s Freedom of Information Act 2000 is available online at as a read-only copy in the School Library or as a printed copy which is available from the Clerk to the Governors, Miss J Ashley,
"Friends of Heber" (aka the P.T.A)
As parents of a child at Bishop Heber High School your involvement with the “Friends of Heber” is very much welcomed. We have an active School, home and community partnership dedicated to supporting the School to provide the best education for your child. Our main fund-raising is done through our annual “Dinner”, but over the years, we have supported a wide range of events from Fashion Shows to Concerts. At Parents’ Evenings and Open Day you will see members of “Friends of Heber” quietly working in the background, supporting all School events. If you are interested in seeing what “Friends of Heber” is all about, we have regular meetings on a Tuesday every month (September to April) in the Conference Room between 6.30 and 8 p.m., dates of which can be found in the School Newsletter, on Twitter following @FriendsOfHeber and on the School website: