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Outstanding Provider High School


Enrichment Support Fund

We want your child to have the best possible range of opportunities, resources and activities during their time at “The Heber”.  Unfortunately, this costs more than the DfE/Government can provide, so we want to ask parents to make a voluntary contribution to the Enrichment Support Fund.  In the past the “Fund” has supported theatre workshops, transport to sports fixtures, competitions, quizzes, Science and Drama equipment, art and design projects and much more.  It has supported the school in our programme to up-grade computers and software, enhance the learning environment and purchase new resources to an extent which would otherwise be impossible.  As parents, how can you help?  £25 per family per year is all we ask and for your convenience, this could be paid as a one-off contribution of £125 (to cover five years) by cheque (payable to Bishop Heber High School).  Alternatively, a standing order instruction is available from the Finance Office for five annual payments of £25, or a payment can be made via SCOPAY.  Of course, you are most welcome to send £25 per year in cash if you so wish, and, if you would like to contribute more than £25, this would be gratefully received.  Please contribute to the Enrichment Support Fund if you possible can – your contribution will benefit your child and the school as a whole and will be greatly appreciated.

Equal Opportunities

A copy of the School’s Equal Opportunities Policy is available online at as a read-only copy in the School Library or as a printed copy which is available from the Clerk to the Governors, Miss J Ashley,