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Outstanding Provider High School

Art and Design Curriculum Map

Art and Design Curriculum Map

Intent of curriculum 

Our intent for the curriculum in Art is to create confident and inquisitive visual learners through a nourishing course based on skills and understanding of the subject. We aim to equip students with the necessary tools to create, experiment and explore ideas with an enthusiasm and interest for their world. These ideas and interests can then be used to produce a variety of outcomes in a full range of media. 

We aim to develop an understanding of visual language by looking at the work of contemporary artists and makers as well as the way art reflects and shapes the world, we live in. 

Our curriculum will allow students to build their own ideals and thoughts on the world through sustained investigations and purposeful risk taking to realise their intentions. We nurture these transferable skills to equip students for life both in and after school. 

Implementation of curriculum 

We aim to produce a high-quality delivery of the core themes and objectives within Art and Design to enable confident and independent learners to grow with each key stage. We create an ethos of high standards and expectations in the department whilst also ensuring all students needs are supported and maintained throughout the courses of study. 

As a team we have developed programs of study for each key stage which build upon each other and expand on the scaffolding of the year before.  Where initially projects are tutor led, they then allow for individuality to shine while maintaining the skill and understanding required to achieve success. 

The department is well equipped with a diverse range of equipment and materials which allow students to have a full and diverse experience in Art, ranging from traditional printmaking to digital photography. At Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 students further develop the skills to create work with complete independence and can fully utilise these experiences to enrich and develop their experimental portfolios. 

Impact of curriculum 

We are confident that students will experience a full, diverse curriculum which allows them to develop ideas, refine work by experiencing materials, record observations and insights and produce personal outcomes. These skills will allow students to build a visual and tactile response to the world around them. 

Work at all levels will be monitored with both summative and formative feedback for tasks and challenges set for each project they are working on. Outcomes of this data will be used to implement both rewards and support where appropriate. All outcomes are monitored against targets to meet individuals needs for growth in our subject. 


Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Year 7 Introduction to Presentation, Typography and The Formal Elements Artist Research and Contextual Understanding Recording Ideas and Painting Experimentation Painting Process and Recording Progress Painting Process and Evaluating Progress Painting Process and Evaluating Progress
Year 8 Artist Research and Contextual Understanding Recording Ideas and Ceramic Experimentation Ceramic Process and Recording Progress Recording Ideas and Ceramic Experimentation Observational Drawing Photography
Year 9 Artist Research and Contextual Understanding (3D Construction) Recording Ideas and 3D Construction Experimentation 3D Construction Process and Recording Progress 3D Construction Process and Evaluating Progress Observational Drawing and Photography Observational Drawing and Photography
Year 10 Component 1 Artist Research, Contextual Understanding and Observation Drawing Component 1 Recording Ideas and Painting Experimentation Component 1 Painting Process and Recording Progress Component 1 Painting Process and Evaluating Progress Component 1 Artist Research, Contextual Understanding and Observation Drawing (Painting) Component 1 Recording Ideas and Construction Experimentation
Year 11 Component 1 Construction Process and Recording Progress (Mock Exam) Component 1 Construction Process and Evaluation Progress (Component 1 Consolidation) Component 2 Exam Preparation Component 2 Exam Preparation Component 2 Exam
Lower Sixth Component 1 Artist Research, Contextual Understanding and Observation Drawing Component 1 Recording Ideas, Portfolio Workshops, Recording Progress Component 1 Recording Ideas, Portfolio Workshops, Recording Progress Component 1 Recording Ideas, Portfolio Workshops, Recording Progress Component 1 Evaluation and Personal Development Component 1 Personal Investigation and Essay
Upper Sixth Component 1 Personal Investigation Consolidation Component 2 Exam Preparation Component 2 Final Exam Preparation Component 2 Final Exam Preparation Component 2 Exam