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Outstanding Provider High School

Educational Trips & Visits Charter

Educational Trips & Visits Charter


Our vision is a School in which Respect, Opportunity, and Achievement can flourish.  These aspects of the School vision – and many more – can be excitingly and effectively developed through group activities away from School.  We believe strongly in the value of educational visits and residential courses.  They provide opportunities for adventure, novelty, independence, co-operation and self-reliance. In addition, they offer freedom from timetable constraints, enhance personal relationships and encourage flexible approaches to learning.


Trip Allocation Process

Below is an outline of our trip allocation process (to be used in conjunction with Terms & Conditions of Trips & Visits):


  1. The Out of Hours Learning Co-ordinator will publish a draft outline of the Trips & Visits calendar* (trips 3 nights and above) on the school website, which will be updated on a termly basis (* please be aware the trips published are subject to change due to curriculum changes and staff availability). Where possible we will endeavour to align the issuing of trip information.


  1. All trips operate on a minimum and maximum student attendance number. When a trip is oversubscribed, places are selected from a list of deposit payments / applications received by the deadline date using a random draw, which is carried out by independent personnel.


  1. Trip selection process:
    1. Trip letter issued noting the deposit payment deadline date
    2. Trip closed for applications (no application will be considered if received after the closing date)
    3. Independent random draw held to select successful applications
    4. Independent random draw held to create a waitlist and waitlist position allocated
    5. Parent/students are informed if they have been successful in gaining a place via a confirmation letter emailed home. The letter includes the trip payment plan and the link to the online financial agreement for completion


  1. Parent/Carer to complete and return the online financial agreement to confirm their child’s place on the trip within five school days of the date noted on the confirmation letter. If at this stage a student no longer wishes to attend, the deposit payment can be refunded (please note if the student chooses not to attend the trip, they will not be allocated a place on the waitlist. The first student on the waitlist will then be offered a place (ref. paragraph 5).


  1. If a trip is oversubscribed, a waitlist will be created and a random draw will take place to allocate a position on the list. For example, if 80 deposit payments are received for a trip with maximum attendance of 40 students, then an independent random draw will select 40 students. A further independent random draw will select a position on the waitlist for the remaining 40 students.


  1. Once trip places have been confirmed and the financial agreement completed, all trips require notification of any changes to student attendance at least 10 school weeks prior to the trip departure date and must be made in writing to the Finance Office by the Parent/Carer. No refunds can be made unless a replacement can be made from the waitlist or covered by our travel insurance policy e.g. medical reasons, which will need to be supported by medical evidence (refer to Terms & Conditions of Trips & Visits).


  1. Students in receipt of Pupil Premium Funding will receive a £200 subsidy towards the cost of the Year 7 Conway Centre Residential. Students in receipt of Pupil Premium Funding will receive 100% funding to support compulsory curriculum trips.


  1. As Activity Week residential trips are administered differently to other trips, the trip selection process will be followed, but where more than one trip is on offer, students should only apply for one trip.


  1. Places on all school trips are dependent upon good behaviour prior to and during the trip. At the discretion of the School a student can be withdrawn from a trip.  In this circumstance, please note that payments are non-refundable and you may be liable to pay any outstanding balance in full, which we have already committed to the tour operator or venue.