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Outstanding Provider High School

A-Level Physics Curriculum Map

A-Level Physics Curriculum Map

Intent of curriculum 

Science’s intent for the curriculum is to continually develop a student’s substantive and disciplinary knowledge in a spiral manner over 5-7 years. They will learn to appreciate the vitally important role that science plays in developing our global society. During this curriculum journey for science, they will: 

  1. Develop their abilities to work together and feel valued within a positive learning environment.     
  2. Nurture their confidence to know and recall their substantive knowledge in Biology, Chemistry, Physics.
  3. Reflect on the social, moral, cultural and spiritual impact science has on the world and expand their cultural capital experiences within science.
  4. Encourage development of their disciplinary knowledge such as methods, apparatus and techniques, data analysis and communications and using evidence for explanations (working scientifically).
  5. Be inspired to make qualified choices within their chosen educational pathways and their future post education careers which are becoming increasingly scientific and technologically based.                                                  


Implementation of curriculum 

We have a dynamic and relevant science curriculum developed by all departmental members which identifies opportunities for pupils to develop their self-reliance, confidence, enquiring and independent mindsets. We have high standards which are evidenced within the curriculum and the department sets aspirational targets whilst ensuring that the needs of learners, including SEN & disadvantaged are supported (planned within and beyond the classroom).  

There are ten key themes within KS3 science, and these diversify and develop further at GCSE and beyond. 

Over the course of a student’s time in science they will experience an equal balance of Biology, Chemistry and Physics content at Key Stage 3 and 4. Lessons will cover the substantive and disciplinary knowledge in science such as core principles, mathematical skills, required practical’s and all working scientifically concepts. Furthermore, the interleaving and common ideas within each science specialism, across science specialisms and cross curricula will also be emphasised and explored.  

Lessons will be a mixture of teacher led, group work, independent work and practical work. The department is well resourced and there is a wide range of scientific equipment, print, digital and online resources that will be used.  

Teachers within the department have worked collaboratively on a curriculum map which meets the KS3 and KS4 national curriculums. This has informed the design of the departments schemes of work to ensure substantive and disciplinary knowledge are clearly taught and linked together to ensure a coherent flow for students through the science curriculum. The design also encourages the support of long-term retainment of these substantive and disciplinary knowledges, ensuring students are ready to apply them in their future lives and careers. 

Students will also experience science beyond the classroom, experiencing enrichment activities such as trips and entering national science competitions. Social, moral, spiritual, and cultural content will also be emphasised within the curriculum and careers linked to both substantive and disciplinary knowledge will be discussed within lessons across all years. 


 Impact of curriculum  

The impact of the curriculum will be measured in a number of ways.  

  1. In class teacher led reviews and formative feedback – this low-risk challenge and review environment for pupils will include: 
  • recap recall quick starters, homeworks, forms quizzes and use of Educake (know) 
  • review tasks, multichoice and extended questions (extend) 
  • in class exam style questions (apply) 

      2. Through rigorous, reliable and accessible assessment.  

  • Formal assessments at the end of every unit of work across all 3 science subjects,  
  • End of term and year exams.  

Assessments will be departmentally moderated and outcomes will be analysed and discussed within the department and interventions and extra support set up where appropriate. Specific groups such as SEN & Disadvantaged will be closely monitored.  

  1. Lessons observations and work scrutinises

  2. Pupil and teacher voice

  3. Departmental data tracking  
  • Constant reviewing of a student’s progress within an academic year, across their academic years and at key transition points – KS3 to GCSE, GCSE to A level and A level to university/work/training.  


We are confident that through the delivery of substantive and disciplinary knowledge in the curriculum and the way in which it is delivered, pupils will appreciate the importance of science within the world and the relevance it has on their lives within a global environment. 


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