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Outstanding Provider High School

Psychology Curriculum Map

Psychology Curriculum Map

Intent of curriculum

Our intent for the curriculum is to underline and promote the vitally important role that Social Sciences play in understanding how human beings and societies function. Social Sciences at Bishop Heber High School are a springboard not just towards further undergraduate study in these areas but also for those working towards careers in these areas. We will support the students to develop skills in critical analysis, evaluation and application to everyday life.

The curriculum within both subjects helps to support a wider school ethos of inclusivity.   It will also help students to consider any prejudices, discrimination, prior judgements they may have which will help to enhance the students’ social, moral, cultural and spiritual development. 

Implementation of curriculum

Our aim is to deliver a dynamic and modern Social Science curriculum in such a way that it fosters an environment and attitude that allows self-reliant, confident and independent learners to flourish. We will set high standards and aspirational targets whilst ensuring that the needs of learners, including SEND & disadvantaged students, are supported inside and outside of the classroom.   

There are integral elements within the Social Science curriculum that students begin learning about in year 12 and develop further towards Year 13 and beyond.  These include stratification, socialisation, culture and identity development.  

These themes will be explored throughout the courses allowing students to understand the broader aspects of both subjects; the key theme being the systematic study of individuals and social groups throughout. 

Lessons will be a mixture of teacher-led learning, group work and independent work. The department is well resourced and there is a wide range of print, digital and online resources that we use. 

Teachers within the department have worked collaboratively on a curriculum map which thoroughly prepares students to meet the requirements of the exam board specifications (see below). This has informed the Subject Knowledge & Understanding (SKUs) within the different years that contain an Intent/Implementation/Impact specifically for each topic. As well as this the SKUs include key terminology that will be promoted in lessons to broaden the geographical vocabulary for the students.

Impact of curriculum 

We are confident that through the content of the curriculum and the way in which it is delivered that the Social Sciences will have a profoundly positive impact on students’ appreciation of the complexities of human nature and their self-awareness. We will measure this by: 

  • Through rigorous, reliable and accessible assessment. There will be regular formal assessments, class questioning and end of year exams. On-going assessments will occur through teacher monitoring of classwork and discussions with students. Outcomes of these will be analysed and discussed within the department and interventions and extra support set up where appropriate. Assessment outcomes will be compared to targets. Specific groups such as SEND & disadvantaged students will be closely monitored. 
  • Lessons observations and work scrutinises
  • Destination data at transition points – A-level to University/work/apprenticeship and training. 


Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Lower Sixth A Level Research Methods Approaches Including Biopsychology Attachments Psychopathology Social Influence Memory
Upper Sixth A Level Issues & Debates Schizophrenia Relationships Aggression Biopsychology Research Methods