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Outstanding Provider High School

Economics Curriculum Map

Economics Curriculum Map

Intent of curriculum 

Economics is all around us, is a dynamic, highly regarded subject that impacts on every aspect of our lives. The subject at Bishop Heber is designed to give our students a solid understanding of the issues that affect them now and, in the future, for example current topics such as the impact of Covid-19 and Brexit. 

Economics itself is a study of why and how decisions are made by individuals, businesses and Governments and we want students to understand how these decisions are made and how they affect them. 

Students will be introduced to economics through building knowledge of core microeconomic and macroeconomic concepts, and by investigating economic theory through real-world businesses and the environments in which they operate. Breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding with applications to more complex concepts and models are developed in the second year of study, with key topics of globalisation, government policy and the causes and effects of the collapse of the global financial system in 2007/08 all investigated thoroughly. Students will apply their knowledge and understanding to both familiar and unfamiliar contexts in the assessment and demonstrate an awareness of these and other current economic events and policies. 

Whilst gaining an understanding of the key principles they will develop an enquiring, critical and thoughtful approach to the study of economics and develop an ability to think as an economist. Importantly they will develop analytical and quantitative skills, together with qualities and attitudes that will equip them for the challenges, opportunities and responsibilities of adult and working life. 

Implementation of curriculum 

Economics lessons will be varied, engaging and catering for different learning styles, utilising many excellent resources available, from past papers, specific subject websites, other digital resources and teacher prepared resources and assessments and outside speakers and educational trips when possible. The lessons themselves, as well as having the primary objective of student learning, will have at the heart of them, the focus that we are looking also to develop well rounded, mature students who have the qualities needed to be successful in whatever career they choose to follow. The high aspirations we have in the department support theses aims and are driven both by the teachers and the students themselves, with a key to success being the effective student/teacher relationships within the department.  

Within the classroom students are supported in their learning using a variety of methods, for example the use of unit/file reviews, displayed in each of their folders showing targeted and aspirational grades, file checks, with key assessments and their performance shown, making it easier to identify topic areas that perhaps require further development.  

We follow the Edexcel B Economics syllabus, which we see as more accessible for our students with an increased focus on the role of businesses within society. All students are given individual support relevant to their own individual learning needs, whether that be SEND or disadvantaged students. 

Impact of curriculum 

Ultimately, the impact of the curriculum is the achievement of our aims, with students achieving their highest grade possible, having the skills required for the next stage of their careers and developing into well-rounded individuals who will have an excellent understanding of Economics and importantly develop into responsible members of society.  


Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Lower Sixth Theme 1 – Markets, Consumers And Firms Theme 1 – Markets, Consumers And Firms Theme 2 – The Wider Economic Environment Theme 2 – The Wider Economic Environment Exam Preparation Theme 1 Theme 2 Theme 3 – The Global Economy
Upper Sixth Theme 3 – The Global Economy Theme 3 – The Global Economy Theme 4 – Making Markets Work Theme 4 – Making Markets Work Revision Complete – Theme 4 Paper 3 – Focus Exam Preparation