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Outstanding Provider High School

Learning and Teaching Policy

Learning and Teaching Policy


This policy provides a framework for creating excellent teaching and learning at Bishop Heber High School across every area of the curriculum.

It reflects the values and strategic objectives of the school and applies to all members of the school community, in order to ensure a consistent approach that promotes the best outcomes for all students.


Learning and teaching are the primary reason for the existence of the school and the criteria by which we are judged. Learning and teaching should be focused on the needs of all students.

Bishop Heber is a high achieving comprehensive school. Our examination results reflect our success in enabling ‘cohorts’ of students of all abilities to succeed. This success is not accidental but derives from the high quality of the teaching and support staff and the importance placed by the school on learning, teaching and achievement. Progress 8 (P8) and Attainment 8 (A8) measures are used to inform, review and plan to ensure that all students make progress and achieve though their school career.